last week bcau my manager go to china edi so i feel quite boring during the working time...
izit for now,my life is just work?
answer is NO!!!
i still got frens.. sometime we still can meet wif a wonderful reason 'yam cha' haha..that feeling really not bad.. n some how dinner is also a good choice... wat we cant do is breakast i think..haha bcau we r working in the morning.. but nothing is impossible if we really wan to h breakfast together ..we can choose saturday or sunday... haha as long we still keep in touch everythign wil b fun^^
n we got one same habit.. em can be said r white and also black which is.. we wil on9 at night n chating together though msn.. it already become our habit almost for everyday... for those r still studying tis is a bad habit for them but for us is something that we cant miss it..bcau tis is one of the way to maintain our relationship... haha let us continue it^^ fren 4ever ya^^
haha... because of meeting you guys everynight, my mum suspects me have been addicted to the computer...But, i don't care...just want to connect with you guys,this will be enough for me!